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Key Information


Cranford Park Academy

'All children can learn and achieve'

At Cranford Park Academy, we recognise that all children learn differently and therefore the needs of the child are always at the forefront of our minds.  This is our guiding principle when it comes to develop our understanding of an individual and build individualised learning plans.  We aim to set suitable learning challenges, respond to pupils' diverse needs and strive to overcome potential barriers to learning for individuals and groups of children.  We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.  At Cranford Park Academy, every teacher is a teacher of every child including those with SEND.

This provision is managed by Cathy Howells, our Director of Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator ( SENDCO).  If you would like to contact Mrs Howells to discuss your child, please leave a message with the school office or email her on

Meet the Inclusion Team

Cathy Howells - Director of Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO). Responsibilities for EYFS.

Claire Curtis - SEN teacher with responsibility for Years 1 and 2

Jenny Baker - SEN teacher with responsibility for Year 3 and 4

Khy Bediako - SEN teacher with responsibility for Year 5 and 6

Comments from the 2022-23 SEND review by Hillingdon Principal SEND Officer

'The Principal prioritises SEND and inclusion within the school and the school's vision and values incorporate inclusion.'

'The vision and passion for children and young people within SEND was evident'

'To strive for good outcomes the school has good relationships with parents and outside agencies.'

'Every year group was consistent and working at the same pace, lessons had provided appropriate scaffolding for pupils.  This allowed all pupils to have the same learning experience.'

Key Strengths at Cranford Park Academy

  • Children's engagement and attitude towards learning.
  • Effective use of SEND resources such as visuals and appropriate differentiation being used within the classrooms.
  • Class teachers were providing scaffolds that allowed pupils to access the learning.
  • Priority and investment within SEND: the school has invested significantly in formulating a SEND team with specialised teachers which enables learning barriers to be removed and results in SEND pupils having a more personalised learning experience.
  • The environment is conducive to learning and there is consistency in working walls, class displays, and visual timetable.