Literacy development is a fundamental component to help children's overall development. Experiences that help children talk, read and write help them progress on their path to literacy and set them up for success in school and life.
Here at Cranford Park we ensure that children are provided with opportunities to encourage talking, singing, reading, storytelling, drawing and writing on a daily basis as these activities help to develop children's literacy.
Children take a reading books home on a regular basis and are encouraged to choose books independently from the library and book areas that are accessible inside and in the outdoor learning areas.
We follow Pie Corbetts ‘talk for writing’ model to help children learn language through memorable, meaningful repetition. The Talk for Writing approach enables children to internalise the language of story so that they can imitate it, innovate on it and create their own effective stories independently.
Here are some of the books we look at on a weekly basis and they are linked to our topics.
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term