Hillingdon School Nursing Service
Hillingdon School Nursing Service
Hillingdon School Nursing Service
Your school nurse is a registered nurse who can help you stay fit and healthy. Every school in Hillingdon has a school nurse and they are very experienced in helping young people. They’ve seen it all before, so there is no need to feel worried or embarrassed about any issues you may have. You can see the nurse confidentially.
- Some reasons people see the school nurse include:
- Advice on exercise and healthy eating.
- To receive immunisations
- To talk to someone about stress, anxiety or bullying
- Advice on drugs, alcohol or smoking
- Sexual health advice and support
- For help with managing allergies
- Asthma support and education
- Help managing diabetes and epilepsy
- Support in managing bladder problem, also known as bedwetting or daytime wetting.