CPA Ethos
The CPA Ethos outlines the culture, vision and values that we expect every member of our academy community to aspire to and uphold at all times – children, staff and families. Everything we do is in the spirit of The CPA Ethos – learning, attitudes and behaviour. By following the high expectations defined by The CPA Ethos, everyone will have the best possible opportunity to achieve their best and develop their talents and skills.
What is the CPA Ethos?
Our Vision
- We have the highest expectations of every child and of each other;
- We will help every child to achieve high standards in their learning;
- Everybody is welcomed, respected and valued;
- We celebrate our similarities and our differences;
- Our children will be safe, happy and successful;
- Everybody will discover their individual talents and skills.
Our Learning
- Our teachers will plan a broad and exciting curriculum, with English and Maths at its heart;
- Every child will be supported and challenged;
- Independence, self-confidence and self-belief will be encouraged;
- We will support the learning of our families.
Our Attitudes and Behaviour
- Everybody is expected to uphold The CPA Ethos:
- Good attendance will be a top priority;
The behaviour we expect at CPA is based around five core qualities (CPA STARS), which we expect our children and staff to demonstrate. We want everyone to be:
Respectful & Responsible
- We will be responsible by making positive choices. We will lead by example.
- We will be ambitious, trying our very best to achieve well and be successful.
- We will support others helping them to achieve their goals. We can achieve anything if we work as a team.
- We will believe in ourselves (be self confident) and believe in others, achieving our very best.
- We will not give up and learn from our own mistakes, always working hard to succeed.
- We will be kind in words and actions. Our school is a place of happiness and equality.
- We will be trustworthy, telling the truth at all times.
- We will share our thoughts and respect and listen to the thoughts of others. Everyone has a right to be heard.
- We will strive to be the best that we can be, now and in the future.
Through the use of our agreed system we achieve consistency; every member of our community has a clear understanding of the high expectations we have for attitudes and behaviour.
The core values are regularly shared during assemblies and in class discussion, and are displayed around the academy and in every classroom. CPA STARS certificate assemblies are held once a term to reward those most demonstrating the CPA STARS ethos.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- We place a strong emphasis on enabling pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence in an inclusive environment.
- Our personal, social and emotional development programme is built around the Jigsaw scheme see curriculum section for more information.
How is the CPA Ethos celebrated?
- Through termly CPA star badge assemblies with CPA STARS badge awards for two children in each class who are best demonstrating the qualities expected. Children aim to collect the range of badges available in their time at CPA.
- Through class points where each class teacher rewards the class for upholding the CPA STARS behaviour code. A target is set and rewarded in class.
- Termly attendance certificates rewarding 100% attendance reflect the Responsible and Ambitious aspects of the CPA STARS ethos.